Can you swim Breaststroke in a Triathlon?
Yes, breaststroke can be an option if it will help you finish the swim easier. But would it actually be better?
Yes, breaststroke can be an option if it will help you finish the swim easier. But would it actually be better?
Have you ever seen swimming races during the Olympics and wonder how someone can swim a certain way or how they can move so efficiently through the water? Or even wondered how you could swim without getting out of breath after only 5 minutes? These are questions many individuals face when it comes to swimming, especially those who want to improve their stroke technique when swimming in a triathlon.
Very few (if any) triathlons have been won because of the triathlete’s swimming ability. However, many triathletes have not finished a triathlon because of a lack of swimming skills.
In competitive distance swimming, the ‘who’ is just as important as the ‘how’. Before you get in the water, you’ll want to find your people.
Just with any other sport (say running or biking) the technique of your movements is important. Proper technique allows you to cover ground more efficiently, use less effort, and not wear yourself out too soon
Does the thought of your triathlon swim have you dipping into your TP stash? These 7 tips will save the day (and the Charmin).