How many swim lessons does a child need?
This is a question I receive from parents very often. I compiled some important questions to ask yourself to find out how many swimming lessons you will need.
This is a question I receive from parents very often. I compiled some important questions to ask yourself to find out how many swimming lessons you will need.
Swim instructors often get asked: “How quickly can my child learn how to swim?” My first response is usually another question: What do you mean by “Swim?”
Is your child having fun and enjoying the experience of swim lessons? Has he or she shown an interest in joining a swim team? Perhaps you are looking for an organized sport activity that your child can do until they graduate college, and beyond!
Sunsational offers a pretty amazing deal: all the benefits of quality private swim lessons with none of the hassle usually associated with packing up kids and taking them to the pool.
Teaching a child how to float on their back for the first time is an intimidating task not just for the swim instructor, but for the child as well. Not every child is going to be willing or eager to float on his/her own, especially when the child is put in the hands of a complete stranger.
Eager parents often ask, “At what age should my child be taught how to swim?” Recent studies suggest that swim lessons and water survival skills start being beneficial to children as early as ages 1 to 4 years old. The AAP recommends swim lessons as a layer of protection against drowning that can begin for many children as early as 1 year old.
It's more common than you think: kids are afraid of the water. Here are some proven ways to help them overcome.
Teaching children ABCs is one thing; preparing them for swim lessons is another. Here are top tips from Sunsational swim instructors to get your child ready for swim class.
Helpful tips to help your child overcome factors that can reduce them to tears
Everyone, especially children, need protection from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Thankfully, there are a couple precautions you can take to reduce your child’s risk of sun damage during swimming lessons
They're one of the most popular water floatation devices for children. However, they're extremely counter-productive to learning how to swim.
You can’t watch them 24/7, but you can equip them with skills to be vigilant on their own.
The rewards and health benefits are profound.
Learning how to swim as is all about repetition.
Taking the steps to get your toddler ready for swim lessons is a fantastic way to start them out with skills that can be lifesaving, but what other tools are needed for toddler swim lessons?
Four proven ways to help children get in the pool (happily).
Three key intellectual benefits of learning how to swim at a young age.
These 3 beginner techniques are the base skills for all great swimmers.
Children who have become generally comfortable in the water can begin to learn the basic strokes that will help them move about in the pool.
How do you teach your toddler to swim? Follow this fun acronym!